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Wandern mit Hahndorf Walking Tours

Historische Wandertouren in Hahndorf South Australia

Unsere Vorgestellten Touren


Erleben Sie Hahndorf wie ein Einwhoner mit einer Wanderntour mit leidenschaftlichen Hahndorfein wohnerin und Geschichte Begeisterte. Sharon Pippos.

Treffen Sie Kapitaen Hahn, lernen Sie uber Fachwerkarchitecktur, besuchen Sie den Pioneere Frauenwandern – pfad Denmal und mehr.

Dieses gemassignten Wanderntouren sind etwa ein Kilometer und bringen die Geschichten von der aeltesten ueberlebenden Siedlung von Deutschen in Australien ins Leben.

Gaeste besuchen wichtige und fascindierende Stellen im Dorf mit einigen auf privatem Eigentum inbegriffen. HWT gibt ethischene kologische freundlichen, ehrlichen austrliaschen (aussie) Diendst.
Touren sind Behinderungfreundlich.

Normaleweise gibt es keine Touren im Juni oder Juli wegen des Wetters, sondern Touren sind noch muglich. Es lohnt sich immer sich in Verbindung zu setzen.

Immer sollten Buchungen gemacht werden, um Entaeuschung zu vermeiden.
10 Prozent von Touren wird zur Heilsarmee gegeben.
Alle Teinehmer bekommen elnen. Geschaeftsrabattzetel fur mehr als dreissig Geschafte im Dorf.

Er wimd am Ende der Wanderung gegben und gilt fur sechs Monate. Sie kirnnen ihn frueher durch. Email bekommen, wenn Sie Ehre Buchung gemacht haben.

Sharon whispering to the audience holding a lantern
Sharon whispering to the audience holding a lantern

Erleben Sie Hahndorf wie ein Einheimischer

Great insights on Hahndorf's fascinating history

We booked the After Dark Walking Tour and were very glad we did! Sharon shared some amazing stories of the town and it's original Prussian settlers as we walked around by lamplight, even going into St Paul’s Lutheran church. We really valued hearing about the people behind the beautiful buildings and streets. Thanks to Sharon, we had a whole new perspective of the town the next day as we strolled, shopped and ate. Thanks Sharon for being so enthusiastic and well informed.

– Darron L on TripAdvisor
Just fascinating

We did the Hahndorf After Dark tour, which was just fascinating. We got to go into the beautiful old church (deliciously spooky waiting to go in through the old green doors and looking up at the old bell tower in the dark...! ) and hear about the incredible people who built it. Sharon has amazing knowledge of the whole history of the village, including peoples names, family stories and even has access to old family diaries which mention the first boats arriving; just amazing.

– j d on TripAdvisor
Strudel, stroll, and singing

I took part in the "Strudel and Stroll" walking tour with Sharon - discovering many interesting things about Hahndorf along the way. Venturing down "secret" alleyways, finding out about places I'd just walked past may times - fascinating! Our state's heritage is fascinating. Sharon is knowledgeable, funny, inclusive and passionate.

– Wendy R on TripAdvisor
Hahndorf seen up close and personal

This is an interesting, easy paced walk through Hahndorf. I've passed through these streets many times but haven't really SEEN the buildings and certainly haven't heard the stories that make up Hahndorf. Sharon is personable and fun, and full of interesting insights, facts and figures. The tastings along the way were great and very appreciated!!

– Jo P on TripAdvisor
Storytelling + Strudel

Sharon brings the historical characters of Hahndorf to life with her well researched stories. I have been to Hahndorf many times and now I see it in a whole new light - with greater depth and empathy for the pioneers who made it all happen. Sharon has created a unique engaging immersive experience combining her own historical connections to Hahndorf with her passion for the place and her research and storytelling skills. Eating the freshly baked apple strudels we made with a cuppa at the Hahndorf Inn was a brilliant idea and enjoyed by all. Highly recommend.

– Abby D on TripAdvisor